The Friends of the Summit Free Public Library are pleased to underwrite the Summit Library's Museum Pass lending program. Anyone with a Summit library card may check out a pass to one of these wonderful museums. NEW! You can now make a reservation for a particular date and pass on line ( or at the circulation desk; you may also, of course, go to circulation and check out one for immediate use if it is available. The benefits vary from museum to museum, but each offers free admission for at least 2 people, and other perks. NEW! Be sure and check out the reciprocal benefits each pass offers at other museums! The passes must be returned in the library to the staff, not put in a drop box or return slot. Be sure and check back often, as more museums will be added in the future!
Show everyone how much fun you had. Take a picture of yourself and your family using the pass at the museum. We may feature your photo in the library, in our newsletter, on Facebook or even in the local newspaper!
Email your photo to: